Sabado, Pebrero 18, 2012

How to share contents to other site | Redgage

How to share your following contents to other networking sites, share below the uploaded contents,
you can see some other bookmarking site there,.
each one is different to others.

2.choose one of the following sites,.
then click your selective site,
it will pop up new window. where the following
site you click will viewed. submit.

you can also share your content by copying
the URL and by posting it to other networking sites..
hope this short information will help you..
godbless ^_^

Miyerkules, Pebrero 8, 2012

How to Take Care a Horse,...

How to take good care your Horses?,.

horses and other species was not my identical idea of writing this article. infact I dont have much ideas
on how to take good care of this animals.
but how ever there are some circumstances that is why I accept this chalenged.
on how to take good care of this species it requires a deep dedication and love for the animals, just like other species,
Horses must be given a normal preventive care to avoid sickness and to maintain their good health.
By giving them a proper care that they need.
When feeding the horse you must remmember that it needs about three percent of its body weight for nourishment daily.
You may feed them with grass or hay and hard feed. It must be fed about seventy percent of grass every day, by feeding them a
good quality of grass. and other important things to remmeber is that the utensils used to feed the horse it must be clean specially its stable where its water is always available.
like us. horses also needs a daily routine  exercise, so
taking them for a run is a one good example of their daily exercise.
Horses should also need a regular foot care. Usually, every four to six week depending on the condition of the horse and the weather, also there teeth must be checked at least onece a year.Sharp teeth can be problematic when feeding and riding the horse. To rasp or file the teeth of the hors, the vet would do a floating to remove the sharp points of the teeth.